An EOS blockchain implemented by Havven; will it reap the assumed benefits?

Inauguration of EOS

The payment networking body that has no centralized monitory control, by the name of Havven has inaugurated the EOS blockchain. This cryptocurrency networking enterprise will make use of the new blockchain in distributing the bitcoin tokens to the wallets of users. These new HAV tokens will be free of charge. Half of them will be distributed free of charge to the present token holders on Ethereum. Moreover, the payment network by launching the new blockchain software also want to keep one thing absolutely clear. This includes that the achievement of the payment network should not be related to blockchain.

The partnership

Thus, the payment network Havven joined hands with EOSIO and their conglomerate was officially declared at Hackathon in Sydney, Australia. The reason of the announcement is that as Australia was the part of the payment network tactic to enforce the idea that it wants to operate on numerous other blockchains and become unsure about blockchain.

Use of Stable Coin in transactions

Furthermore, the purpose of Stable coin which is in US dollars of Havven is that, they avoid price instability and their use in important financial activities across different dealings that are crypto related.

Uncertainty that surrounds the Blockchain

The reason that can be deciphered from the payment network, Havven regarding the EOSIO inauguration is that the enterprise wants to remain doubtful of the blockchain. This view has been shared by the project manager of Havven, Garth Travers through email to CNN.

The project manager, highlights his concern by throwing light on the fact that if any specific blockchain limits the furthering of majority of the viable payment projects, then the crypto environment will disintegrate. This breaking up will make the implementation of regionalized system highly resistant.

Nothing will change

Travers, also makes clear that Havven, up till now has not shared any updates on bidding farewell to Ethereum. Furthermore, he asserts that by the launch of EOS blockchain, everything will remain the same. Even the 100 million worth HAV token will remain unaffected on the Ethereum. Half of these 100 million tokens will be given to the existing users free of charge.

Travers, has also predicted that the payment network have forthcoming plans of inaugurating other blockchains in the later years. But at present, they are just focusing on its EOS venture and geared all its activities towards it.

Introducing Stable Coin

The payment network has made nUSD an accessible and a regionalized stable coin. The nUSD tokens are therefore supported through securities by the HAV tokens and the dealings that surround the nUSD tokens produce payments for these token holders.

Since nUSD has remained active on Ethereum, the inauguration of EOS blockchain by Havven paves way for the support for more regionalized podiums of cryptocurrency.

Enlarging the scope of transactions

The owner of Havven, Kain Warwick, is of an opinion that their introduction of the EOS blockchain attempts in enlarging the scope of dealings made through bitcoin as the dAPPs can back substantial transactions. He sheds light on the goal of the enterprise which illustrates the idea that a constant platform can be provided to the projects which can initiate the standard of give-and-take.

With such a supporting platform, many more classifications such as regionalized marketplace and gaming apps will come in the picture. They will serve as a platform that will send the similar transactions to the centrally controlled systems. Within such an environment, Havven will retain its dignified position in giving the consistent payment slips to the payers.

Kain Warwick highlights his concerns

The owner of Havven also shows his concern and doubt the EOS blockchain launch. He sees that cryptocurrency is still at a beginner stage and that’s why he is still in dark that which blockchain will cope with it.

So, in order to overcome with this doubt, he suggests that the projects that provide blockchain organization strategies must work interconnected. In this way the accomplishment is not centered to one blockchain that is selected by the developers.

If several blockchains are reinforced then the developers will have a greater access to those projects that have acute structure and organization. Therefore, the aim of Havven is to help the regionalized environment in avoiding disintegration.

Serg Metelin is enthusiastic that one of the regionalized Australian projects is initiating EOSIO

The HOD of EOS developing relations in BlockOne is eager to welcome the project by Havven because he envision it’s far reaching effects in providing innovative and exclusive features to the DAPP developers. He believes that their project is a thumbs up inclusion in the arena of growing EOS.

Thus, the EOS blockchain reached the threshold of the decentralized ecosystem in June after the investment of $4million behind it. BlockOne plans to add a further $1 million worth investment behind the project.