Ress Life Investments
Holbergsgade 14, 2 tv
DK-1057 Copenhagen K
CVR nr. 33593163
To: Nasdaq Copenhagen
Date: 30 June 2021
Corporate Announcement 21/2021
Ress Life Investments A/S publishes Net Asset Value (NAV).
Ress Life Investments A/S publishes the Net Asset Value (NAV) per share as of 15 June 2021.
NAV per share in USD: 2107.32
NAV per share in EUR: 1740.44
The performance during the first half of June was -0.03% in USD. The year-to-date net performance is 0.34% in USD.
Assets under management (AUM) was 260.9 million US dollars.
Questions related to this announcement can be made to the company's AIF-manager, Resscapital AB.
Contact person:
Gustaf Hagerud
Tel + 46 8 545 282 27
Note: The terms for subscription of shares, minimum subscription amount and redemption of shares are provided in the Articles of Association, Information Brochure and in the Key Investment Information Document (KIID) available on the Company's website,