No. 3/2021
Copenhagen, 28 June 2021 A/S (the "Issuer") will initiate a written procedure today in which it seeks approval from the holders of its senior secured bonds with ISIN SE0005999521 (the "Bonds") for amendments to clause 12.6 (Dealings with related parties) of the terms and conditions.
A Notice of Written Procedure will be sent to the Issuer's bondholders later today, requesting the bondholders to approve terms of the amendments pertaining to the bond terms.
Approval by the bondholders is a condition for the completion of the amendments and the amendments would require that at least 2/3 of the voting bond debt vote in favor of the proposal. A group of bondholders representing a substantial portion (but less than 50%) of the total bond debt has confirmed that they will vote in favor of the proposal.
The record date for being eligible to vote in the written procedure is 5 July 2021 and the deadline for voting is 3.00 p.m. (CEST) 15 July 2021.
Best regards A/S
Bengt Sundström
For press enquiries please contact:
Mette Jessen
This information was submitted for publication at 18.00pm CEST on 28 June 2021.