Rebuilding Public Trust in the Government – Lessons from the Private Sector presents Free Livestream

New York City, June 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Free Virtual Event: June 24 @ 6 PM EST

Hosted by: The George Washington University

Graduate School of Political Management

Master’s in Strategic Public Relations

Register here:


What are corporate leaders doing that government communicators can leverage to restore public confidence? This roundtable will share strategic communications tips and tactics that can be useful within the government communications infrastructure. A key focus of the conversation will be the steps necessary to rebuild trust.

Discussion topics include:

  • Corporations do a better job in messaging than the government because they don’t “pander” to political interests.
  • What are the lessons that corporations can share with the government?  
  • At the heart of this is the new corporate activism – Corporations have to engage to retain employees and enhance reputation — Financial Performance and Industry leadership is no longer enough.
  • Gen Z is looking for companies that are talking the talk and walking the walk of sustainability and social activism.
  • Can political leaders become trusted again?

The event will be moderated by Lawrence J. Parnell, M.B.A., an award winning Public Relations professional and academic who is an Associate Professor and director of the George Washington University Master’s in Strategic Public Relations program.


CONTACT: Fay Shapiro